Tuesday, January 11, 2011



There's so many tears falling from my eyes, alone tonight
you don't hear the beatings I give myself in the silence of my mind
I'll never be an angel,
how can God forgive me and how can you?
You don't know everything I've done, when I can't even forgive myself deep within
the recess of this heavy heart
I'm lying to myself when I say I have no regrets...
drowning in this dark depression at the things I've lost and caused others to feel
I'm not the saint you make me out to be
I'm a loner, filled with hate and fear
lies eating me alive
Spinning the barrel of an empty gun, imagining the bullets in my hands
instead of prayers
If my anger at my failings could be seen
I'd be charged with domestic abuse
cause I'd be black and blue, near death with the beatings
harsh words I keep from the world, laid upon me
Dismiss this as just words, that's what everyone does with my words anyway
cause my truth's to painful for most to hear
but I've lived it and relive it every time the memories flood back
Tomorrow I'll be fine, this will just be an out pouring of pain I needed to release
you all tell me I'm stronger than the past, you're all so proud of how far Ive come
but why should I be proud?
Wasn't it I that broke everything around me, from relationships to dreams?
Yeah I made some bad choices in the face of some shit I didn't know how to deal with
how to make those who let me down hear, what I was screaming in English
Fought one too many wars
worn one too many scars from battles I've been in and wars waged
It's all too hard to keep this happy mask on tonight
Fuck me man, I'm only human OK
let my tears fall

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