Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Real Truth

*WARNING- the following poem focuses on church and institutional sexual abuse

A gentle word here of encouragement
a planting of the seeds of trust and friendship
what changed and why must you cleanse me?
Why is the love you tell me I must learn
different to the safe
protective love I knew before
(now I only question what is it that you want,
or I can get)
You say you're assisting the casting out of my sin
how does shoving your penis down my throat
drive any demons out?
How does your hands reaching inside me
save my soul?
How does you entering inside me
above or behind me,
how does the dirtiness and shame
leave me,
if the only way I can unleash this rage
is actually to hurt you,
to commit another sin
out of wrath
I walk into Dente's favorite sin...
of thyself or you
In purgatory cause my anger
could not die
in my eyes
You told me GOD hated what I made you do
that I twisted his love
that I seduced you
right under his watch!
But this is not the truth
is it "brother",
but this is not the truth is it "father"...
who does sweep it under the rug and closes guilty eyes
You repent by muttering 5 Hail Marys
and then give a weak excuse to move away
while another alter boy swings in the breeze
or wrestles with the disease of drugs and alcohol
too numb to feel
GOD's arms warped around 'em
and the angels of heaven
crying redeeming tears
over the corruption
forced into his children under false teachings of man
The evidence stacked up,
Lady justice's scales are unbalanced
and yet the pope hides his head
statements are released
"There is no sinners in here (insert religion's name)
There is no cover ups
and no hush monies paid"
The sin is repeated within,
memories never die
GOD is loving, it is these 'men' that sin!


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