Evolution…a organism to the woman standing before you
I hear the praise and love given
but, some days the memories, emotions and thoughts stir
and everything I’ve thrived through despite, bites a little
like a scar memory
I feel undeserving, a phoney, like I don’t belong…
It doesn’t last very long these days, cause I’m ok in my skin, just human!
the old scripts & reels may playback now & then
but, that’s all it is a memory from the past,
I may have once felt buried deep in a dark hole,
but once I stopped fighting myself and accepted the signs telling me I was digging myself deeper
I let hope mix in with the fears, I found hope in despair & started turning around
I allowed people in, let them help wipe the dirt from my eyes & took their hands, up out of the darkness of the deepest depths of hell
I felt the light, before I saw it
I didn’t always believe I’d see it, but I stuck with the idea of living in it…til I bathed in it
I had to examine my perceptions of things, unravel the meanings & truths about them & people and choose I was worthy of so much more
Was change easy? Hell no, but worth it, yes!
I no longer accept the unacceptable,
I will no longer allow anyone to heap dirt upon me or push me back down,
I have learnt that like night, daylight follows,
through the darkest days, there’s always light bringers…I just have to learn to appreciate them and not be stubborn
No one is alone & in that connection
the light shines (even if just a dim flicker, hope is a light to guide out any darkness)